



I expect it should share a common description, like XmlSchema or IDL and should generate classes for target language.

I found Thrift and it's really nice solution, but it doesn't support structures polymorphism. I would like to have collections of base class objects, where I could place instances of subclasses, serialize this and deserialize at the opposite side. Some mechanism of polymorphic behavior support, like Visitor, would be a perfect.

Does anybody know something suitable for these requirements?


I would suggest trying Protocol Buffers. It is a Google originated technology so I would imagine it is well supported by C++ and GWT.

Peter Tillemans
As far as I understand they also do not support subclassing and any sort of polymorphism. This make it not better than Thrift.

As mentioned, something like Protocol Buffers would definitely be your best bet. It supports C++ and there are two separate projects that support GWT: protostuff and protobuf-gwt.

There are many comparisons between Protocol Buffers and Thrift, so if you're looking to use Thrift, it's possible to integrate with GWT as well, through the gwt-rpc-plus project.

Arthur Kalmenson
You mentioned gwt-rpc-plus. I tried to connect it to server-side C++ thrift part, looks like they talk different JSON-based protocol. C++ is more verbose, so it generates '[1,"xxx",1,0,{"1":{"str":"abc"},"2":{"str":"bcd"}}]', where GWT-RPC-PLUS does '[0,"xxx",null,["abc","bcd"]]'. Do you have any experience with it? Will protobuf-based stack resolve such problem?
Have you worked with protobuf-gwt? I have problems building it.
From the gwt-rpc-plus docs, it says that it generates client and server stubs from the Thrift files, I'm fairly certain it's generating Java stubs, no? How would you be using them in C++?I haven't actually used any of these libraries, sorry.
Arthur Kalmenson
I asked tbroyer on Twitter about this and he said to look here: I haven't tried the solution, let me know if it works for you. Good luck!
Arthur Kalmenson
gwt-rpc-plus doesn't support thrift protocol. gwt-rpc-plus has it's own protocol, to have a matching server side, you need to generate it with gwt-rpc-plus also. So, no communication with C++ original thrift server-side is supported.
Can't you just have the generated server side talk regular Thrift with your original C++ Thrift server side? I think it makes sense to have their own protocol for over the wire communication because you need to talk JSON with the GWT client side.
Arthur Kalmenson