




how to make my U_store.load() waiting infinitely

var U_store = new Ext.data.JsonStore({      
    url: 'first-utility/index_json.php', 

my index_json.php returns result in 10 min but the load() in extjs does not wait so much it return immediately , can somebody help me how to get result from index_json.php ??

+1  A: 

Your users are going to wait 10 mins for data to load?

You'd probably be better off with a solution based on periodic polling rather than "infinte" waiting. Maybe the initial call starts your long process and you have a separate call that checks for the results? Without knowing what you're doing it's hard to know what the best approach is.

hi there i am using curl to gather data from different websites and displaying it in extjs , the curl module in php is already built cannot get the data in extjs
Extjs Commander
also i am big fan of ur solutions :)
Extjs Commander
in my program, user selects the data to gather from net from 'extjs form' than it goes to server , server collects info from around the world and get back to user :) so 10 min is justified
Extjs Commander
Does the info travel by bus? ;)
nope info comes from Https servers and these server has lot to stop robots it hardly 10 lines but it is needed
Extjs Commander

Why don't you gather all information and save it in the database/file by a separate process and then you can easily load store from database data.

In fact if it takes 10 minutes to load the data then I think it should be a huge amount of data. If possible then you can go for partial loading of data depending on the client events/actions.

i my program user selects the data to gather from net from extjs form than it goes to server server collects info from around the world and get back to user :)
Extjs Commander

To answer his question as asked, I'd try to use the Ext.Ajax object since you can define a timeout on there.

On the success of the Ajax you can take the response object and create the data store using something like :

var myResponseData = response.responseText;

The drawback to going this route is that you cannot use to Ext.Ajax again while it is processing the query since it is a static member.

It might take some tweaking but I hope the basic idea is sound. If anyone sees a problem with this idea, I'd like to know. This has me thinkin'

It Grunt