




I want to begin looking at Direct X, but don't just want to try and throw myself into it. What are some good resources to get ones feet wet?


There are quite a few books on directX, but there is so much freely available information on the web these days, I would just jump right in there.

A good place to start is just to do a youtube search for DirectX Tutorials. In my opinion, this is a fun and interesting way to get started learning a new dev skill.

+1  A: 

I highly recommend Toymaker's tutorials. Helped me greatly when I was first starting out with DX and was just as good as a reference later on.

The other thing to do would to set up some small projects that use DX that increase in difficulty as you go. If you'd like a starter list (from easy to hard):

  • Compiling using DX libraries (I always remeber having trouble linking the libraries correctly in Visual Studio).
  • Change background colour.
  • See a model on-screen.
  • Moving the model with input.
  • A camera.
  • Apply a texture to your model.
  • Add multiple models to your scene.
  • Add lighting.
  • Create your a simple rectangle model and display a texture on it.

Get comfortable with all that and then have a look at shaders, advanced lighting and animation.
