Hey guys,
I'm looking for suggestions as to what good easy to use web editors? It needs to edit php,javascript,html,CSS. I'm looking for something that'll speed up my development currently I'm using nano.
Hey guys,
I'm looking for suggestions as to what good easy to use web editors? It needs to edit php,javascript,html,CSS. I'm looking for something that'll speed up my development currently I'm using nano.
I hear alot of unix users are fan of VI on the commandline. For desktop I started with notpad++ (also available on linux) and evolved to using Eclipse. The later took quite some time to get the hang of.
There is a distribution of Eclipse preconfigured with plugins convenient to PHP development. Check it out here:
On the page, look for "Eclipse for PHP Developers"
I used to use Bluefish when I used to work with PHP:
apt-get update && apt-get install bluefish
If you want an uber-geek command-line you could use Emacs (it has a PHP mode):
apt-get update && apt-get install php-elisp
If you are looking for full IDE support you could try Eclipse or even KDevelop.
I do not have any experience with it but, since you are on Ubuntu, you could also try gphpedit since it describes itself as a "PHP/HTML/CSS Development Environment":
apt-get update && apt-get install gphpedit
Check out the features page at gphpedit:
In a similar vein to the Eclipse for PHP Developers, you can install the JavaScript Development Tools (JSDT) Eclipse plug-in from http://www.eclipse.org/webtools/jsdt/ which will add advanced support for editing JavaScript. I've not used it extensively myself, but I hear the latest stuff (released simultaneously with Helios, the latest Eclipse release) is pretty solid.
That combination would get you a good environment for everything you mentioned.
I second the recommendation for Bluefish. It's in the Software Center for Lucid and has been in the repos at least as far back as Dapper.
If you try it, make sure you check out the Custom Menus function. They are a tremendous time saver!
Emacs is the classic editor. Vi(m) good too, especially for edits over ssh. Might be overkill, but eclipse has plugins to handle most languages.
I would go with Eclipse.
Check out Eclipse + PDT + Aptana.
My current dev system works like this:
4 monitors: 1 for coding (eclipse), 1 for Firefox, 1 for IE and one for logs.
1 virtual machine that is a close duplicate of the production server.
Use AutoHotKey and, as I save the page, it gets uploaded to virtual machine and both IE and Firefox get refreshed.
Have been working like this for more than one year now and I can asure you my productivity has gone up.