I am building a program that mainly parses binary data and does some number crunching on it.
It's primary goal is to do it all as quickly as possible. It will be running on an 8 - 32 core machine [Xeon / Sparc T2].
I choose erlang becasue I beleive that concurrency is much easier as opposed to c++.
However, about halfway through I start seeing more and more "benchmarks" that show c would be faster. I am not willing to fully switch to c, becasue I believe the easy concurrency provided by erlang would outweigh the speed at which c can do it AND the amount of code needed for concurrency in c.
So my question is would it be ideal to have c code do the binary parsing and number crunching, and have erlang spawn process' to run the c code.
If so can anyone point me to good book (doubt there is one) or tutorial on c and erlang in harmony.. What a beautiful name for a book