I've been playing around trying to create a transparent window that will overlay another application. I'm finding the win32 extensions are a bit of a mess, there's win32ui, win32gui, winxpgui, etc. somewhat confusing.
Anyway, I'm trying to pass a handle to a window to this function win32gui.UpdateLayeredWindow
the first argument it wants is a handle, as a pyhandle type.
all the methods to find a handle of a window, all return an int, and not the pyhandle type. even the ones from the same modules. win32gui.findwindow(None, "windowtitle") finds and returns the handle for the window i want, but only in int form and not as a PyHandle.
here's the docs for the object. http://docs.activestate.com/activepython/2.5/pywin32/PyHANDLE.html
here's the docs for the findwindow method. docs.activestate.com/activepython/2.5/pywin32/win32gui__FindWindow_meth.html
and here's the docs for the method that will not accept int. docs.activestate.com/activepython/2.5/pywin32/win32gui__UpdateLayeredWindow_meth.html
I've even tried using WX to create and find handles for windows, it also only returns int.
there's another function that wants a handle, written by the same people, and it accepts int as a handle. win32api.SetWindowLong
Question is, is there some way to create a PyHANDLE object from the int i receive? I can't figure it out.