
wxPython wxDC object from win32gui.GetDC

I am getting a DC for a window handle of an object in another program using win32gui.GetDC which returns an int/long. I need to blit this DC into a memory DC in python. The only thing I can't figure out how to do is get a wxDC derived object from the int/long that win32gui returns. None of the wxDC objects allow me to pass an actual D...

How do I completely change the appearance of a Win32 title bar from Perl?

I'm learning to add GUI to my Perl program using Win32::GUI. Now I can change the icon of a Win32 title bar using something like: $myicon = new Win32::GUI::Icon('myicon.ico'); $myclass=new Win32::GUI::Class( -name=>'myclass', -icon=>$myicon, ); $mydialogbox = new Win32::GUI::DialogBox( -name => 'my...

python win32gui finding child windows

for example at first you have to find hwnd of skype hwnd = win32gui.FindWindow(None, 'skype') and than all his child windows and their titles child = ??? any idea? ...

Python PyHANDLE object in win32gui

I've been playing around trying to create a transparent window that will overlay another application. I'm finding the win32 extensions are a bit of a mess, there's win32ui, win32gui, winxpgui, etc. somewhat confusing. Anyway, I'm trying to pass a handle to a window to this function win32gui.UpdateLayeredWindow the first argument it wa...

PythonWin saving session state

I would like to be able to save my session state within the PythonWin editor (e.g. these three files are opened and positioned in these particular locations within the PythonWin window). I can get handles to each of the child windows within PythonWin using win32gui, as well as the titles of each of the files and the positions/sizes of t...

win32gui force horizontal scroll bar

Hello SO, I have an ExplorerBrowser COM object embedded in a wxPython Panel. I am looking for a way to use a horizontal scroll bar for the ExplorerBrowser, rather than the default vertical scrollbar. I can't seem to find an option in the ExplorerBrowser documentation, and not sure where else to look; I have very little knowledge of the...

perl win32::gui remove elements

I have a dialogbox, to which i populate elements(labels) on activate event. I want to remove these elements(labels) when the window is being deactivated. something like:[its erroneous fragment of main code but explanatory] my $wchRW = Win32::GUI::DialogBox->new( -name => "wchR", -title => "whed", -left => CW_USEDEFAULT, -size ...