I can't google for C++ for some reason, like it ignores ++ completely and returns me stuff on C#.
That aside, I have never used Visual C++ before (Windows Forms app) and I can't figure out how to catch any errors in the WebBrowser.
I'd like to pop up a message saying that the server is offline and exit the application if navigation cancels, DNS fails to resolve somehow, connection times out, or connection is reset - I haven't even messed around in code yet, only in the design tab.
This is what's in code right now:
this->appPushUI->AllowWebBrowserDrop = false;
this->appPushUI->IsWebBrowserContextMenuEnabled = false;
this->appPushUI->Location = System::Drawing::Point(0, 0);
this->appPushUI->MinimumSize = System::Drawing::Size(20, 20);
this->appPushUI->Name = L"appPushUI";
this->appPushUI->ScriptErrorsSuppressed = false;
this->appPushUI->ScrollBarsEnabled = true;
this->appPushUI->Size = System::Drawing::Size(735, 329);
this->appPushUI->TabIndex = 1;
this->appPushUI->Url = (gcnew System::Uri(L"", System::UriKind::Absolute));
this->appPushUI->DocumentCompleted += gcnew System::Windows::Forms::WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventHandler(this, &Form1::appPushUI_DocumentCompleted);
Any help at all would be greatly appreciated.