I have a basic solution file (.sln) where I was able to reproduce a problem I have been facing recently.
It contains 3 projects: 1.) MathTest.lib - containing methods that might cause a mathematical error, like acos(1.1). 2.) MathTestDll.dll - calls the methods from the above lib. 3.) UnitTest.exe - calls the exported method in the DLL that should cause the error.
What I'm trying to do is fairly simple: The following code contains the _matherr() routine and should ideally link fine. The call to acos() with a value of 1.1 is invalid (invalid input) and should cause an error which should be handled by the implemented _matherr() handler. I hope I'm right about the behavior of _matherr(). Please let me know. MathTest.lib
#include "MathTest.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
int _matherr(_exception* _Except)
std::cout << _Except->name;
return -1;
void MathTest::ThrowMatherr(float par)
float result = acos(par);
std::cout << result;
This 'ThrowMatherr()' method will be called by the DLL as follows: MathTestDll.dll
void MatherrCaller::CauseMatherr()
MathTest* mathtest = new MathTest();
which is then exported as:
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void CallThisToCauseMatherr();
void CallThisToCauseMatherr()
MatherrCaller* caller = new MatherrCaller();
This exported method will be called by a simple test. UnitTest.exe
#include <windows.h>
typedef void (*METHODTOCALL)();
int main()
HMODULE module = LoadLibrary((LPCSTR)"..\\Debug\\MatherrTestDll.dll");
if(module != NULL)
METHODTOCALL ProcAdd = (METHODTOCALL) GetProcAddress(module, (LPCSTR)"CallThisToCauseMatherr");
if (NULL != ProcAdd)
return 0;
All methods get called fine. But the acos() method which has been passed invalid input never calls the _matherr() error handler. Please let me know how I can fix this.
I had to make the question detailed to get my point through. Please don't mind.