Hello, Using GCC 4.2. I have this metatemplate for conditional type:
template <bool condition, typename Then, typename Else>
struct IF
typedef Then RET;
template <class Then, class Else>
struct IF<false, Then, Else>
typedef Else RET;
and when I use it like this:
template <typename T>
class Param
IF< sizeof(int)<sizeof(long), long, int>::RET i;
it works, but when I use it like this (trying to use template parameters):
template <typename T>
class Param
IF< sizeof(int)<sizeof(long), T&, T* >::RET mParam;
I am getting this error code:
error: type 'IF<false, T&, T*>' is not derived from type 'Param<T>'
Why is it happening? How to solve it? Thanks in advance!