



This isnt much of a programming question. its more of a reference question: does anyone know any programs/text files/whatever that show how the Tiger hash works? im trying to find some way to see the intermediate values of the hash.

i found this website but the java implementation is weird and shows incorrect values despite getting proper outputs. the original paper does not provide any test vectors of any sort at all


I'm curious, why Tiger hash? Is this for a class?

no. im just trying to figure out how it works. and also, as i said, the original paper is useless. wikipedia is useless as well, since it only gives the final outputs. im trying to get the values generated in between so i can check whats wrong with my program
Why was this answer downvoted?
@calccrypto I posted a link to a reference implementation. Just hack in some printf statements to get the intermediate values.

Two libraries that I know implement Tiger are Crypto++ ( and Botan ( I'm pretty sure they agree, but have not checked this recently. Neither offer built in support for dumping intermediate values but I'd imagine it would be quite easy to instrument either or both of them to dump intermediate values (eg just printf at the spots you are interested in).

Jack Lloyd

I give you the same answer I gave you in a comment to my answer for your RC2 question: get the java source code from Bouncycastle and hack on it to your heart's content.
