




I'm looking for a flexible alternative to the standard Windows (VB) message box for us in VB6.

I'd like features such as: 1. Non-modal (but always on top) 2. Timer (so that it disappears after X seconds) 3. Custom button names. (Instead of saying "do you want to quit? Click Yes" I can have "Quit" and "Continue" on the button names.

I've found a few options, which I'll list as answers.


From Source-Code planet:

Extension of the standard Msg Box http://www.planet-source-code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=58808&lngWId=1 API replacement function for the native MsgBox function - or as I like to call it - "what is the upper limits of parameters to a function ?" Allows centering over forms. 09/24 - Added ability to timeout the message box. 09/26 - Added the ability to add custom icons. 09/26 - Added countdown message and ability to change button text. + Easy to use + very similar to standard msgbox (looks like it just has some api calls to extend the features) + Custom button names - doesn't have a non-modal option

Also from SCP: Complete replacement for the Message Box

http://www.planet-source-code.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=63332&lngWId=1 +very feature rich (includes everything I wanted) -Very difficult to use. (about 15 parameters with no use of Enums so you have to read the documentation every time you try to use it: intellisense provides not guidance.

Clay Nichols
write your own enums then! They are treated as a zero based range of integers