



Xcode has a nice feature that let you submit your application to iTunes connect without launching Application Loader. The problem appears when you have a whitespace in the application name.


I understand the problem, but since Xcode is naming the file automatically, how can I use this feature without changing the name of my app?


P.S. I will file a radar if there's no way to do it. I just wanted to be sure that there were no other way.

+2  A: 

Having spaces in file or folder names is always a very bad idea. In theory things should work but in the end that white space will bite you in the **s.

So the easiest way to fix this is indeed to change your target name.

Just remember that the name of your app on disk (Some is not the same as the name that is shown on the device's home screen. That name you configure through the Info.plist and can be completely different from the app file name.

Thanks St3fan, that worked.What you actually need to do is change the Product name value in you build settings of your target and change the "CFBundleDisplayName" in you Info.plist (just rename the target doesn't work).