



I recently integrated authlogic_facebook_connect into my application.

However, I've discovered that it seems to have some real problems with keeping track of user sessions, and even after logging someone out, the next person that logs in with Facebook will be logged in as the prior user.

I found a fix for this, and manually integrated it since the original authlogic_facebook_connect seems to have been abandoned by its author:

However, now I've stumbled across some deeply troubling posts by users of Devise, who claim t here is an underlying problem with Facebooker wherein it is non-thread safe and user sessions will be polluted across each other. Moreover, since this is a problem in Facebooker, this problem is also found in authlogic_facebook_connect according to them:

Has anyone been using either Facebooker or authlogic_facebook_connect in their apps that have gotten a significant amount of user traffic? I've already done all the work integrating authlogic_facebook_connect into my site, but am now having serious cold feet at the thought of inadvertently introducing hard to debug thread-related problems within gems that I'm using.