



Hey folks, I really like your site and I think this is the place where I find answers to my questions! I am planning an app, which shall do a couple of things but since I'm kind of lost in all the information conserning Android I really need some advice what I have to look out for and which of my goals might turn out tricky. I want to do the following things with my app:

  • Since it uses classes of a third party framework which strongly uses threads and reflections of which I don't know much myself since I'm a very basic programmer, I need to know what I have to watch out for.

  • In these threads I want to receive sensordata like the gps data or the compass data frequently and pass it to another thread which calculates stuff with those values and

  • last but not least I want to send those information to a server in my Wifi-Network which offers webservices via SOAP messages.

Any advice (descriptions, how tos, tutorials, threats etc.) on one if those to topics is highly appreciated! Thank you folks!


Take a look to this questions:

Thx I appreaciate these links! They are useful!