




Dear all,

probably I just need a break :). I have a melted dataset containing a column "value" which represent an absolute number which varies with every row of the dataset. I want to display this number in a barchart by country.

p <- ggplot(melted,aes(factor(country),y=as.numeric(value))) + geom_bar() +opts(axis.text.x = theme_text(angle = 90,hjust = 1)) 

all I get is: Error in pmin(y, 0) : Objekt 'y' not found. Of course I triple-checked if there was a "value" variable I just can't find what's wrong. If a leave the y=... out I get the observations per country which are the same for every country in my case.

Thx in advance for any help!

+1  A: 

You might need to define the identity statistic in geom_bar().

 ggplot(melted,aes(factor(country),y=as.numeric(value))) + 
        geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "stack")
Thx a bunch. I have to admit I never fully got this concept of stat= ... though I read about it a couple of times. Guess I have to take a closer look (and use less qplot probably). Thx for helping out..