Hi All,
I'm trying to place images on top of Google Maps and I'm having trouble to fetch the overlay's boundingMapRect. The odd thing is that when I check the 'overlay' with the debugger the correct data is there, but when I try to print it - its garbage.
This is the printing code:
MKMapRect overlayRect = [self.overlay boundingMapRect];
NSLog(@"drawMapRect: overlay: x: %f, y: %f, w: %f, h: %f",
MKMapRectGetMinX([overlay boundingMapRect]),
MKMapRectGetMinY([overlay boundingMapRect]),
MKMapRectGetWidth([overlay boundingMapRect]),
MKMapRectGetHeight([overlay boundingMapRect]));
NSLog(@"drawMapRect: boundingMapRect x: %f, boundingMapRect y: %f, boundingMapRect w: %f, boundingMapRect h: %f",
[overlay boundingMapRect].origin.x,
[overlay boundingMapRect].origin.y,
[overlay boundingMapRect].size.width,
[overlay boundingMapRect].size.height);
NSLog(@"drawMapRect: boundingMapRect x: %f, boundingMapRect y: %f, boundingMapRect w: %f, boundingMapRect h: %f",
((MKOverlayView *)self).overlay.boundingMapRect.origin.y,
[overlay boundingMapRect].size.width,
[overlay boundingMapRect].size.height);
It is placed at
- (void)drawMapRect:(MKMapRect)mapRect zoomScale:(MKZoomScale)zoomScale inContext:(CGContextRef)context.
Any help would be great. A small example of image drawing over a map with Core Graphics will be awesome.
Thanks, Tzur.