



I'm currently considering various jQuery grid plugins, found through a mixture of Googling and looking at previous questions on SO.

I specifically want to avoid the traditional "page navigation buttons" syndrome. I want the scrollbar to be able to move the user through the entire data set, and for the plugin to asynchronously request more data from the server "on demand", whenever the user scrolls to a region that hasn't been downloaded yet. This eradicates the need for clumsy "first, previous, next, last" buttons, yet still avoids downloading the entire dataset.

The method used to request a "page" of rows should be specified by a JS function, or a JS object representing the "data model".

So far, the best candidate for my need seems to be SlickGrid.

Generally the best known grid plugin (as far as I can tell) seems to be jqGrid, but I can't see any example that doesn't use a set of traditional page navigation buttons. Does it support continuous scrolling over a lazy-loading model?

Are there any other currently-maintained grid plugins for jQuery (besides SlickGrid) that can do this?

I know the issue of lazy loading on scrolling of content can be dealt with separately, but I want a solution integrated into a decent grid control, with resizable/re-orderable columns, sorting, cell (or at least row) editing, etc.