



We have a MOSS 2007 Standard farm, running on 2 Web Front End (WFE) and 1 Indexing server all running on 64 bit Windows Server 2003 servers.

We need to upgrade our servers to Windows Server 2008, and wanted to know if you can run 1 WFE on Windows 2008 and 1 WFE on Windows 2003, while we are in the process of upgrading our individual servers.

+1  A: 

I can not speak to whether you can, but you might consider running on just one 2003 server while upgrading the other, then switch to the new 2008 server while upgrading the first, then resuming your load-balanced architecture on homogeneous systems.

Thanks, that is something that we are considering. However, because of the third indexing server, we wanted see what the possibility was of running the various servers in a mixed OS environment.

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