


+1  Q: 

AdWhirl and Admob

Hello guys!

I have downloaded the latest AdWhirl and AdMob SDK. Read and done with the instructions in the AdWhirlSDKInstructionsforiPhone.pdf

I have the following errors:
1. AddRunningClient starting device on non-zero client count
2. Unable to fill ad request. This is a common situation.
3. <AdMob> Must implement required method -currentViewControllerForAd:(AdMobView *)adView in your delegate.
<AdMob> The AdMob SDK requires a valid view controller to be returned from currentViewController (AdMobDelegateProtocol). Cancelling ad request.

What can be the problem? Please help me.

+1  A: 

You need to retain a copy of the AdMob AdViewController as Admob no longer does this itself.

In your viewcontroller.h add something like

IBOutlet AdViewController *localAdViewController;

inside the @interface section, and add

@property (nonatomic, retain) AdViewController *localAdViewController;


Then add a link in IB from File's owner to your localAdViewController in AdViewController.

Should work fine then on.

Thanks, I will try it.