I want to take two value from user i.e name and location and then want to concatenate them
into single string to produce output string
IBOutlet UITextField *txtName;
IBOutlet UITextField *txtLoc;
want to concatenate tem to produce below string.
Student Name is txtName and He is from txtLoc
Bescically thats my complete code.
NSString *message = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Student Name is %@ from %@ phone Number is%@ and he want to say%", txtName.text, txtLoc.text,txtPho.text,txtBody.text];
-(void) send:(id) sender {
[self sendEmailTo:@"[email protected]" withSubject:@"Contact for Quran Focus from iphone Application" withBody:message];
Thats what i wana do. and em getting error
'txtName' undeclared here(not in a fuction)
'txtLoc' undeclared here(not in a fuction) 'txtPho' undeclared here(not in a fuction) 'txtBody' undeclared here(not in a fuction)
Though I have correctly declared all outlets;