In short, I want to associate arbitrary key/value pairs with the objects of a Core Data entity, on an iPad app.
My current solution is to have a to-many relationship with another entity that represents a single pair. In my application, I have:
Entry <--->> ExtraAttribute
where ExtraAttribute
has properties key
and value
, and the key
is unique to the ExtraAttribute's Entry.
Although the code to deal with this is slightly complicated, it is acceptable. The real problem comes with sorting.
I need to sort those Entries that have a given ExtraAttribute by that attribute. Using the SQL store, it is apparently impossible for Core Data itself to sort the Entries by the value of the associated ExtraAttribute with a given key. (Frustrating, since this is possible with the other stores, and trivial in SQL itself.)
The only technique I can find is to sort the entries myself, then write a displayOrder
attribute back to the store, and have Core Data sort by the displayOrder
. I do that with the following class method on Entry
. (This uses a some methods and global functions not shown, but hopefully you can get the gist. If not, ask and I will clarify.)
NSInteger entryComparator(id entry1, id entry2, void *key) {
NSString *v1 = [[entry1 valueForPropertyName:key] description];
NSString *v2 = [[entry2 valueForPropertyName:key] description];
return [v1 localizedCompare:v2];
@implementation Entry
// Unified builtin property and extraAttribute accessor;
// expects human-readable name (since that's all ExtraAttributes have).
- (id)valueForPropertyName:(NSString *)name {
if([[Entry humanReadablePropertyNames] containsObject:name]) {
return [self valueForKey:
[Entry propertyKeyForHumanReadableName:name]];
} else {
NSPredicate *p = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:
@"key = %@", name];
return [[[self.extraAttributes filteredSetUsingPredicate:p]
anyObject] value];
+ (void)sortByPropertyName:(NSString *)name
inManagedObjectContext:(NSManagedObjectContext *)moc {
BOOL ascending = [Entry propertyIsNaturallyAscending:name];
[Entry sortWithFunction:entryComparator
context:name ascending:ascending moc:moc];
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]
// Private method.
+ (void)sortWithFunction:(NSInteger (*)(id, id, void *))sortFunction
context:(void *)context
moc:(NSManagedObjectContext *)moc {
NSEntityDescription *entityDescription = [NSEntityDescription
entityForName:@"Entry" inManagedObjectContext:moc];
NSFetchRequest *request = [[NSFetchRequest alloc] init];
[request setEntity:entityDescription];
NSError *error;
NSArray *allEntries = [moc executeFetchRequest:request error:&error];
[request release];
if (allEntries == nil) {
NSArray *sortedEntries = [allEntries
sortedArrayUsingFunction:sortFunction context:context];
int i, di;
if(ascending) {
i = 0; di = 1;
} else {
i = [sortedEntries count]; di = -1;
for(Entry *e in sortedEntries) {
e.displayOrder = [NSNumber numberWithInteger:i];
i += di;
This has two major problems:
- It's slow, even with small data sets.
- It can take an arbitrarily large amount of memory and hence crash with large data sets.
I'm open to any suggestions that are easier than ripping out Core Data and using SQL directly. Thanks so much.
EDIT Thank you for your answers. Hopefully this will clarify the question.
Here is a typical data set: There are n Entry objects, and each one has a distinct set of key/value pairs associated with it. Here I am listing the key/value pairs under each entry:
Entry 1:
Foo => Hello world
Bar => Lorem ipsum
Entry 2:
Bar => La dee da
Baz => Goodbye cruel world
Here I want to sort the entries by any of the keys "Foo", "Bar", or "Baz". If a given entry doesn't have a value for the key, it should sort like an empty string.
The SQLite store cannot sort by an unknown key using -valueForUndefinedKey:; attempting to do so results in an NSInvalidArgumentException
, reason keypath Foo not found in entity <NSSQLEntity Entry id=2>
As noted in the documentation, only a fixed set of selectors will work with sort descriptors using the SQL store.
Suppose there are three instances E1, E2, and E3 of my entity, and the user attaches the custom properties 'Name' and 'Year' to each of these instances. Then we might have:
E1 Bob 2010
E2 Alice 2009
E3 Charles 2007
But we wish to present these instances to the user, sorted by any of these custom properties. For example, the user might sort by Name:
E2 Alice 2009
E1 Bob 2010
E3 Charles 2007
or by Date:
E3 Charles 2007
E2 Alice 2009
E1 Bob 2010
and so on.