
Sounds like you could have a genuine rendering bug if the text stays only half-rendered even after it's scrolled up. You should reproduce this in as simple of a "toy" project as you can, and then file a bug with Apple at http://bugreport.apple.com/ and attach that project to your report.

Shaggy Frog
Actually I have tried this, and failed to reproduce it. Through testing, these things "fix" it:1. use a bigger font size2. Make UITextView's frame 2px smaller than its parent, and offset its origin by (1,1). Not sure which of 2. is required (e.g. is changing the frame enough?), but both in combination works.Right now 2. is in the code, and I don't like it, but I have to move on with other development priorities. I have amended my answer to provide the code in question.