I've a hash table defined like this
typedef std::unordered_map<unsigned long long int,unsigned long long int> table_map;
and in the program, I read the contents of the a file into a buffer using fread like this:
fread(buffer, sizeof(long long int), 1024, file1);
I declare the hash table as
table_map c1;
Now i create a hash table like
for (i = 0; i < 1024; i++)
c1.insert(table_map::value_type(buffer[i], i));
Now my questions is, after the for loop how can I get the size of the hash table?
It has 1024 elemts of type unsigned long long int and also the keys of the same type but I could not use sizeof(Mymap)
or `size of(c1) beacause its just returning the value 32. Is there any way to find it?
Thanks, Sunil