



When I called the HeapCreate function in the preceding code sample, I used the HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE flag because the remainder of the sample code is not multithread-safe.

Jeffrey Richter wrote the sentence in his book(Windows via C/C++)
But it's weird.
If the codes are not multithread-safe he didn't have to use the flag.
Is it a bug? Or am I misunderstanding something?

+1  A: 

With the HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE flag you just tell the Heap that it will never be accessed by different threads, therefore there is no need for thread-safeness at all.

If you do not specify this flag, the heap will internally acquire a lock at every call to the HeapXXX Functions, so you would have the overhead of this although you are accessing the heap from only one thread.

EDIT: In this sample, as it is not thread-safe at all ( and therefore I assume does not employ threading in any way ), it makes perfect sense to inform the heap, that it mustn't be threadsafe.


By default the Windows heap performs additional logic to make sure that no two threads allocate memory from the heap at the same time. How this is exactly done remains a secret, but it will probably be something like this:

EnterCriticalSection (&cs);
... // Perform logic to allocate memory, set list pointers, ...
LeaveCriticalSection (&cs);

However, if your application is not using multithreading, the critical sections may have a non-neglectable overhead. To remove this overhead, you have to pass the flag HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, which will remove the calls to the critical section, resulting in a slightly faster application.

"is not multithread-safe" means "not using multithreading"?
I think you(and DarthCoder) assumed both of words are equal. Didn't you? But it looks different to me.
Thread-safe means that your code is allowed to be used in multiple threads at the same time. Code that is not-thread-safe is bound to crash sooner or later in a multithreaded application. Multithreading itself means that the application is using multiple threads. You can use thread-safe code in a single-threaded application. But it's not advised to use non-thread-safe-code in a multi-threaded application.