I am a newbie. Using class clsMRDateTime and am creating 2 instances of objects in the main code. When I activate the line:
clsMRDateTime objMRDateTimeURL("10_05_2011");//THIS CAUSES THE PROBLEM!!!!!
It causes the date in the first instance of the class to match the second instance of the class. I checked for static class variables, and cannot figure this out.
I removed all of the inactive methods.
Thank you for any help you can provide. Michael
Sample Test Main():
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include "clsMRConvert.h"
#include "clsMRDebug.h"
#include "clsMRDateTime.h"
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
printf("Content-type: text/html\n\n");
cout << "";
cout << "Hello Test";
clsMRDateTime objMRDateTimeToday("08_25_2010");
cout << "<BR>";
string strTodayDate = objMRDateTimeToday.strGetFormatedTime("%m/%d/%Y");
cout << "objMRDateTimeToday: " << strTodayDate;
cout << "<BR>";
cout << "<BR>";
clsMRDateTime objMRDateTimeURL("10_05_2011");//THIS CAUSES THE PROBLEM!!!!!
cout << "<BR>";
//string strURLDate = objMRDateTimeURL.strGetFormatedTime("%m/%d/%Y");
//cout << "objMRDateTimeURL: " << strURLDate;
cout << "<BR>";
cout << "<BR>";
strTodayDate = objMRDateTimeToday.strGetFormatedTime("%m/%d/%Y");
cout << "objMRDateTimeToday: " << strTodayDate << " [SHOULD BE SAME AS ABOVE!!!]";
Class clsMRDateTime:
#include "clsMRDateTime.h"
using namespace std;
clsMRDateTime::clsMRDateTime(string strDateAsString)
size_t found = strDateAsString.find('_');
if (found!=string::npos)
clsMRDateTime::clsMRDateTime( time_t timetDateAsTimeT)
int clsMRDateTime::intSetDateTime(string strDateAsString)
int intDay, intMonth, intYear;
sscanf((char *)(strDateAsString.c_str()), "%d/%d/%d", &intMonth, &intDay, &intYear);
this->timetClassMainTime = this->timetMakeTime(12, 0, 0,
intMonth, intDay, intYear);
this->tmClassMainTimeTM = this->tmGetTimeInTMFormat();
int clsMRDateTime::intSetDateTimeURL(string strDateAsString)
int intDay, intMonth, intYear;
sscanf((char *)(strDateAsString.c_str()), "%d_%d_%d", &intMonth, &intDay, &intYear);
this->timetClassMainTime = this->timetMakeTime(12, 0, 0,
intMonth, intDay, intYear);
this->tmClassMainTimeTM = this->tmGetTimeInTMFormat();
int clsMRDateTime::intSetDateTime(time_t timetDateAsTimeT)
this->timetClassMainTime = timetDateAsTimeT;
this->tmClassMainTimeTM = this->tmGetTimeInTMFormat();
int clsMRDateTime::intSetDateTime(struct tm * tmDateAsStructTM)
this->timetClassMainTime = mktime(tmDateAsStructTM);
this->tmClassMainTimeTM = this->tmGetTimeInTMFormat();
time_t clsMRDateTime::timetMakeTime(int intHour, int intMin, int intSec,
int intMonth, int intDay, int intYear)
struct tm * timeinfo;
time_t time_tSeconds;
time_t rawtime;
//time ( &rawtime );
timeinfo = localtime ( &this->timetClassMainTime );
timeinfo->tm_year = intYear-1900;
timeinfo->tm_mon = intMonth -1;
timeinfo->tm_mday = intDay;
timeinfo->tm_hour = intHour;
timeinfo->tm_min = intMin;
timeinfo->tm_sec = intSec;
timeinfo->tm_isdst = 0;
time_tSeconds = mktime(timeinfo);
catch (char * str )
cout << "Exception raised: " << str << '\n';
string clsMRDateTime::strGetFormatedTime(string strFormat)
string strFormattedTime = "";
strFormattedTime = this->strGetFormatedTimeForNewDates(strFormat, this->tmClassMainTimeTM);
string clsMRDateTime::strGetFormatedTimeForNewDates(string strFormat, struct tm *tmNewDate)
string strFormattedTime;
char s[80];
size_t i;
strFormattedTime = s;
time_t clsMRDateTime::timetGetGregoreanTimeStamp()
struct tm *clsMRDateTime::tmGetTimeInTMFormat()
this->tmClassMainTimeTM = localtime(&this->timetClassMainTime);