



I am developing a Google App Engine application.
I wish to receive mails under '', where %username% belongs to a user of the application.
I just can't figure out what to define in web.xml file.
Any similar solution such as mails to:

is acceptable (if it makes it easier with the wildcards).

I've tried (as suggested by Gopi)
mapping the relevant servlet to <url-pattern>/_ah/mail/user.*</url-pattern> within the web.xml file. It's not working.
The client gets a bounce message, whereas the server logs, do show a relevant request received by the app, but rejected with a 404. No "No handlers matched this URL." INFO is added to the log entry. In addition, when GETing the generated URL, I don't get a 'This page does not support GET', but rather a plain 404.
If I however send mail to say '[email protected]', the logs show a 404 (which they should, as it's not mapped in the web.xml). In addition, for such a request, a "No handlers matched this URL." INFO is added to the relevant log entry.

Needless to say that, Incoming mail IS found under Configured Services.


I think putting an entry similar to below into your web.xml should work to match your second case '

It's a bounce message on the client side, and a 404 on the server logs.Strangely enough I don't get a "No handlers matched this URL.".In addition you I see that the request originated from within the server self-forward mechanism by its IP:
***THE LOG ENTRY***# 1. 08-25 03:25PM 40.743 /_ah/mail/[email protected] 404 13ms 19cpu_ms 0kb See details - - [25/Aug/2010:15:25:40 -0700] "POST /_ah/mail/[email protected] HTTP/1.1" 404 234 - - "" ms=13 cpu_ms=19 api_cpu_ms=0 cpm_usd=0.000947

Well... After trying every possible solution/url-mapping, I went with fast and ugly one.
The gist is to have a single "catch all" mail servlet, to work as a dispatcher to other, specific, servlets. It's like a giant switch, where the parameter is the request URL.
This is NOT what I wished for, but it works, and seems to be the only one that does.

I have a single servlet IncomingMail that handles ALL incoming mail. period.
So now, the only mapping of URLs under /_ah/mail/ is the following:


In addition, I have the following servlet, mapped as a "plain-old-servlet":
(notice the <url-pattern>, not a "mail mapped" servlet)


The catch-all servlet (would eventually) look like a giant switch:

public class IncomingMail extends HttpServlet {
    private final String USER_MAIL_PREFIX="";
    private final String USER_MAIL_SERVLET="/serv/userMail";
    public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws IOException {
        String url = req.getRequestURL().toString();
        System.out.println("IncomingMail called, with URL: "+url);
        String email;
        String servlet;

        if (url.startsWith(USER_MAIL_PREFIX)) {
            email=url.replace(USER_MAIL_PREFIX, "");
        if (url.startsWith(OTHER_PREFIX)) {
            //Redirect to OTHER servlet
        System.out.println("forward to '"+servlet+"', with email '"+email+"'");
        RequestDispatcher dispatcher=req.getRequestDispatcher(servlet);
        try {
            req.setAttribute("email", email);
            dispatcher.forward(req, resp);
        } catch (ServletException e) {              


The destination servlet (GetUserMail in this case), does a getRequestParameter("email"), to see the specific destined mailbox.
It will receive all mails sent to '', where %un% is a username in the application space.
The email parameter received by the servlet would be of the form '', without the discerning prefix.
Each such "specific" servlet, would get "its cut" from the mail dispatcher servlet, with the email parameter already without the discerning prefix.

One note I will add under security:
If you're worried of bogus requests to the "specific servlets", just define them all under a common virtual namespace say /servmail/ in your site, and define a new <security-constraint> to allow requests to originate only within the application itself.
Like so (inside web.xml):

            <description>policy for specific mail servlets</description>

Would still love to hear from someone that tried and succeeded in doing a wildcard <url-pattern> mail mapping, other than a catch-all one.
