Sometimes you run into code that has extra brace brackets, that have nothing to do with scope, only are for readability and avoiding mistakes.
For example:
GetMutexLock( handle ) ;
// brace brackets "scope" the lock,
// must close block / remember
// to release the handle.
// similar to C#'s lock construct
ReleaseMutexLock( handle ) ;
Other places I have seen it are:
glBegin( GL_TRIANGLES ) ;
glVertex3d( .. ) ;
glVertex3d( .. ) ;
glVertex3d( .. ) ;
} // must remember to glEnd!
glEnd() ;
This introduces a compiler error if the mutex isn't freed (assuming you remember both the } and the Release()
The question is:
- 1 Is this a bad practice? Why?
- 2 If it is not a bad practice, will it possibly change how the code is compiled? Possibly make it slower?