




I'm wondering if it's possible to accomplish this in MS Access 2007:

A client gave me several tables, and they asked me for some queries. One of them has to get a field value from a table, depending on the value of a field of each record. This means, depending on the region, it has to look at one table, a second, or a third one.

So, I was wondering if I could do something like this:

    ON CASE table1.SOME_VALUE THEN table3.id = table2.some_id ELSE
         CASE table1.SOME_VALUE THEN table4.id = table2.some_id ELSE 
              table5.id = table2.some_id END END

Is it clear? IF not, just ask and I'll answer your doubts.


I think I was not clear enough. I have a several joins in my query, but I have this last one, in which its ON statement will be different, depending on the data. For example:

I have a record in a table that has a State field, with three possibilities: CA, TX, FL.

If the value is CA, the ON statement of that JOIN should be CA_Standard_table.field = myTable.field.

If it's TX, the ON statement of that JOIN should be TX_Standard_table.field = myTable.field

And the same logic goes for FL.

How can I accomplish that?


Here is the query code, the last JOIN is the one that matters for this. The three possibilities of tables to join with in the ON statement are:

  • EU_Accepted_Standards
  • CA_Accepted_Standards
  • NZ_Accepted_Standards

It will decide for one of them, depending of which of the following fields are checked:

  • CAStandard: it should take CA_Accepted_Standards.
  • EUSelStandard:it should take EU_Accepted_Standards.
  • NZ_Accepted_Standards: it should take NZ_Accepted_Standards



Projects.[Opportunity Name], 
IIf([VolCap]=True,1) AS [Volume Cap], 
IIf([DelGuarantee]=True,1) AS [Delivery Guarantee], 
IIf([EU ETS]=True,1) AS EU, 
IIf([CA ETS]=True,1) AS CA, 
IIf([NZ ETS]=True,1) AS NZ,
IIf([Australia ETS]=True,1) AS Australia, 
IIf([CAProjectType] is not null, CA_Accepted_Projects.CAPTRiskLevel, 
         IIf([EUSelProjType] is not null, EU_ETS_Standards.EUPTRiskLevel,
               IIf([NZSelProjType] is not null, NZ_Accepted_Projects.NZPTRiskLevel))) as [Risk Level],
IIf([CAStandard] is not null, CA_Accepted_Standards.CAStanRiskLevel, 
         IIf([EUSelStandard] is not null, EU_Accepted_Standards.EUStanRiskLevel,
               IIf([NZSelStandard] is not null, NZ_Accepted_Standards.NZStanRiskLevel))) as [Standard Risk]



INNER JOIN (((((((((Counterparty 

INNER JOIN Projects 
             ON Counterparty.CPID = Projects.[Counter Party]) 

INNER JOIN Geographic_Location 
             ON Projects.Country_Name = Geographic_Location.Country_Name) 

left JOIN CA_Accepted_Projects 
             ON Projects.CAProjectType = CA_Accepted_Projects.CA_ProjectTypes) 

left JOIN NZ_Accepted_Projects 
             ON Projects.NZSelProjType = NZ_Accepted_Projects.NZ_StandardID) 

left JOIN EU_ETS_Standards
             ON Projects.EUSelProjType = EU_ETS_Standards.EU_StandardID) 

left JOIN CA_Accepted_Standards 
             ON Projects.CAStandard = CA_Accepted_Standards.ID) 

left JOIN NZ_Accepted_Standards
             ON Projects.NZSelStandard = NZ_Accepted_Standards.ID) 

left JOIN EU_Accepted_Standards
             ON Projects.EUSelStandard = EU_Accepted_Standards.ID)

left join Emissions_Trading_Systems
             ON Emissions_Trading_Systems.ETS = EU_Accepted_Standards.ETS)

ON Project_Stage_Risk.ProStaID = Projects.[Project Stage];

You could create a UNION query that unions together the three tables you want to conditionally join to, including a "Some_Value" column that will contain the item on which you want to join. Essentially, for each table you include in the UNION, set the value of the "Some_Value" column to a value you can use in a where clause to differentiate things. Then create an overall query that joins (in your example, table2) to the union query and use a WHERE clause to limit the records to the ones you need. I have done similar things myself on projects in the past with great success.


Join all five tables together, and use that CASE expression inside the SELECT clause to choose the appropriate field from all tables.

    CASE table1.some_value 
         WHEN 'a' THEN table2.some_value
         WHEN 'b' THEN table3.some_value
         WHEN 'c' THEN table4.some_value
         WHEN 'd' THEN table5.some_value
Fyodor Soikin
I think I was not clear enough. I have a table which I have to join to 3 other tables, but MS Access won't let me insert an alias to each JOIN, so I cannot join the three of them at the same time.
Brian Roisentul
Please show your complete code and exact error message that you get.
Fyodor Soikin
CASE ... WHEN is not supported by Access' database engine.
Please, read the EDIT section of the message.
Brian Roisentul
I've added a second EDIT section with further details.
Brian Roisentul
-1 for providing a non-Access/Jet/ACE solution. READ THE QUESTION BEFORE POSTING.
Well, Mr. SmartyPants, it would definitely help you to read the question as well. The question itself does contain the CASE construct.
Fyodor Soikin
Yes, and the whole point is that IT DOESN'T WORK IN ACCESS. That's the WHOLE POINT OF THE QUESTION.
Ok, it's too long to explain. Please try to read the question carefully and see the real point.
Fyodor Soikin
@Fyodor Soikin What is so difficult? The opening statement is "I'm wondering if it's possible to accomplish this in MS Access 2007" an non-Access example is then given. The OP hopes for a translation, yesno?

Use UNION of separate SELECT statement if you want distinct values. Use UNION ALL if you want to allow duplicates. UNION ALL is faster.

SELECT [field list] FROM myTable
INNER JOIN CA_Standard_table
ON CA_Standard_table.field = myTable.field
SELECT [field list] FROM myTable
INNER JOIN TX_Standard_table
ON TX_Standard_table.field = myTable.field;
Please take a look at the EDIT 2 section of my post. I've got all the tables I need in the query, the problem is the ON statement.
Brian Roisentul
I don't pretend you to resolve that long code, someone just asked for it. My problem basically is I have a "dynamic" ON statement in one join, depending on of a field value for each record. So, I want to know how to dynamically consider the 3 possible ON statements.
Brian Roisentul
If you can't use my UNION example, afraid I have nothing more to offer. I don't know how to make your "dynamic ON statement" approach work.
UNION is the only solution to the problem, as you have three entirely separate FROM statements, because of the three distinctly different JOINs.

Thanks for the answers. I know it was not well explained though, but in the end, I could solve this problem by writing a subquery.

Brian Roisentul