I am not 100% sure if I shall become insane...
As mentioned in many many other posts, I am writing this Connection class which stats up winsock, creates some sockets, binds them and let´s you send and receive some data...
I made this within my Server-project... But , everytime i wanted to test the connection part of the server (most of the other parts are already working fine) it always goes on strike O_o... ALWAYS!!!...
What I tried to fix it: 1. rewrite the send & recv parts 2. rewrite the whole class multiple times without copying anything from the existing stuff before... 3. Write a special test client... 4. Write a whole new simple send/recv-udp-server programm to test, wether it may be based on some ports, that are blocked or something like that...
Still does not work...
Well... so a few minutes i came up with the idea, that I could try to copy the code into a new project and try it then (I don´t know what made try this - the frustration?.
But wooaaaaaah... IT WORKS:...
Now my Question to anyone familiar with Visual Studio...:
Why the HELL doesn´t it work in the original soultion/project, but In a totally new solution/project...???????
This drives me crazy, because I have to copy/rewrite everything into a new solution and reorganize this shit-.-....