



Our company is buying me a mac and essentially it is up to me to get what i want. Will the MAC mini be adequate? I already have 2 22 inch monitors that can possibly hook up to the Mini.

+1  A: 

In a word, yes. Mac minis are quite powerful given their size. But for a few bucks extra, I'd go the iMac simply because it's a complete package. Make sure you get 4G of RAM.

Derek Clarkson
yes that is correct however I already have 2 22 inch monitors that can possibly hook up to the Mini. Sorry should have mentioned that above.
+3  A: 

Yes. That's what my last client did. Bought the cheapest Intel Mac Mini available, and hooked it up to an existing PC monitor. Performed well even for a very large iPhone project (several 100's of source files).

+1  A: 

Yes a mac mini will be fine for iphone development, but it really just depends what kinda of development. If you are going to be making 3d games using something like Unity or making all of your graphics in Photoshop then you really should upgrade to something more powerful, but for a basic iPhone application then you will be fine.

If you can you should probably get a Mac Pro. They are expensive, but they will last you many more years then a Mac Mini. It is the only computer that I have owned that I felt like I still had a powerful machine after 3 years.

If you use the mini for basic iPhone programming then you will just be waiting longer for the application to compile and XCode can feel unresponsive at times.

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