




Hay all, this is really bugging me.

I have downloaded phpimage from http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=2844769&group_id=103281&atid=738747

I've decompressed the zip file and moved the "phpimage" folder into my "plugins" folder. In my settings i've added "phpimage" to the "plugins" setting so it reads

plugins : " safari,pagebreak,style,layer,table,save,advhr,advlink,emotions,iespell,inlinepopups,insertdatetime,preview,media,searchreplace,print,contextmenu,paste,directionality,fullscreen,noneditable,visualchars,nonbreaking,xhtmlxtras,template,phpimage,",

And i've added the "phpimage" to the "theme_advanced_buttons1" settings, this looks like

                theme_advanced_buttons1 : "phpimage,bold,italic,underline,strikethrough,|,justifyleft,justifycenter,justifyright,justifyfull,|,bullist,numlist,|,link,unlink,anchor",

when i load the editor up it reveals a blank textarea. If i remove the phpimage from the plugins setting the textarea appears as the TinyMCE.

Any ideas? Firebug isn't giving too much help.

+1  A: 

Thing i discovered is if you load tinymce using the developer mode (tiny_mce_dev) the file editor_plugin_src.js is missing. You can correct this by copying the file editor_plugin.js and rename it to editor_plugin_src.js.

This comment of KOPFteam at SF helped me make it work at last. It was the langauge file!! My langugage setting is "de", so after creating a file under langs called de.js it worked like a charm and the editor was back. What is your language setting?. I suggest you name it according to this setting. Here KOPFteam's comment:

It's up and running in German!

It took me a few hours to sort out a few problems:

1) I uploaded the phpimage folder into the tiny_mce/plugins folder, created an image upload folder, entered "phpimage" twice into my tinyMCE.init and - no tinyMCE anymore. Pure HTML. What happened? I checked the Webserver ErrorLog where a "file ...../phpimage/lang/de.js missing" shows. I have no idea why it is looking for that file. I hadn't changed /phpimage/config.php at that point. So I duplicated the file /phpimage/lang/en_dlg.js and renamed it to de.js and suddenly tinyMCE is back! And the phpimage button works - with the dialog in English. 2) Next I tried to upload an image. I got an alert that an folder cannot be created (I forgot the exact text). I solved that by editing /phpimage/config.php by adding a fifth "/.." to the definition of $_cur_dir. After that uploading of images worked. 3) Because I found it on the authors website, I uploaded the file /phpimage/classes/lang/class.upload.lang.de_DE.php and than changed the $language parameter in /phpimage/config.php to de_DE. After that I duplicated the file /phpimage/lang/en_dlg.js again. This time I renamed the copy to de_dlg.js and translated the content of that file to German. And after that: a working dilaog with german lables! BTW: German Umlauts can be used by inserting the 4 digit unicode value as in "Bild einf\u00FCgen/bearbeiten" 4)After uploading a modified file to my webserver I had to quit and restart Firefox. Simply reloading nstill showed the old file.
