



I have a web service currently running in Glassfish through Netbeans. Netbeans automatically created a wsdl for this, at Logging listening at address at http://localhost:8080/LogWebService/LoggingService where LogWebService is the project name and LoggingService is the class name.

I want to move the service to an external server so I can test the behaviour from my clients when the service is not running on localhost.

I have not deployed any applications to servers before and have no knowledge of how it works.

Lets say for example this was going to be deployed onto a server running Tomcat. I imagine the .war file of the web service project gets put in the Tomcat directory on the server?

I imagine there is no change needed to the web service code. Netbeans automatically uses port 8080, if I left it like this would it still work even though it isn't running in Netbeans?

Also what I am unsure of is whether the location of the wsdl will change apart from the IP obviously. For the clients, is pointing the wsdl at the IP of the server instead of local host enough? Or does the LogWebService/LoggingService change too? The netbeans location refers to the project name and then class name, Im not sure if this is the same when it is just sitting in a directory on the server?

So to summarise, I have a web service that was developed and runs in netbeans, and when it is deployed I get: Logging listening at address at localhost:8080/LogWebService/LoggingService I also have made a web service client in a separate Netbeans project with which I used 'Add Web Service Client' and this uses the wsdl above to connect to the webservice. If the webservice moves onto an external server, is the only change required to change the client to look at a wsdl that includes the IP of the new server?

Any help on any of these points appreciated, thanks.