Here is one I used for HTTP GET requests where I wanted to retrieve a web page's HTML. You could substitute POST for the pMethod parameter and discard the response text.
I used MSXML2 which is not guaranteed to be available across all Windows versions. If it's not available on your systems, you could try MSXML instead. Or use an error handler to fall back to MSXML when MSXML2 not available.
Public Function HttpRequest(ByVal pUrl As String, _
Optional ByVal pMethod As String = "GET") As String
Dim strResponse As String
Dim objHttp As Object
'use "MSXML.XMLHTTPRequest" if MSXML2 not available '
Set objHttp = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
objHttp.Open pMethod, pUrl, False
strResponse = objHttp.responseText
HttpRequest = strResponse
Set objHttp = Nothing
End Function