
It looks like you've got some basic problems in the way you're setting up the Core Data Stack. Namely, the first problem (and I stopped there) is that you're trying to create an NSManagedObjectModel instance from an NSEntityDescription. Boom.

Have you read and followed the Core Data Utility Tutorial? It's easier for you to follow the tutorial and report on the problems you find there than to parrot its instructions here.

Joshua Nozzi
Yes i have some Basic Problems with Core Data, but i Read (and tried it).Ok, i see stupid error. But also i do Not able to Load an xcdatamodel.New question: How do i add a xcdatamodel to a NSManagedObjectModel?Sorry for my inexplicit first question...
Dennis S.
So ... what's your new code and what errors are you seeing? It's impossible to help you if we don't know what's wrong.
Joshua Nozzi