I'm trying to add a really simple strategy to devise, and it doesn't seem to be working. Here is the code that I am trying to use
Devise.setup do |config|
config.orm = :mongo_mapper
config.warden do |manager|
manager.strategies.add(:auto_login_strategy) do
def valid?
def authenticate!
u = User.find(:first)
u.nil? ? fail!("No created users") : success!(u)
manager.default_strategies(:scope=>:user).unshift :auto_login_strategy
The code is supposed to check the params for an 'auto_login' parameter, and if present, find the first user it can and log them in. I have skipped security measures entirely to just get a basic test case working. When I try to log into a controller that has a before_filter authenticate_user!
(i.e. localhost:3000/test?auto_login=true
), it can't log me in and redirects me to the login page. What am I doing wrong?