



Hi there.

I'm trying to submit a bug to a bugzilla server with mylyn task plugin in eclipse, but when i sent it server replies : Assignee:<name> did not match anything being name the the user from my mail sent, seem to be splitting my email from the @.

Actually i'm using Mylyn 3.4.1 and eclipse 3.5.2, does anyone had this issue before or knows how to solve it?

Thanks for advance

+2  A: 

Is this like in bug 167949?

On the bugzilla repository settings page for this repository, ensure that "Local users enabled" isn't check.
When selected, the "@..." is trimmed from the field upon submit.

Related to bug 166555:

There is now a "Local users enabled:" check box on the Bugzilla repository settings page.
Enable this and only the username will be sent in the QA field rather then the entire address.

just a second ago seen that parameter in the authentication settings in a work partner's computer, so that's the right answer, just worked ok, thanks :)