



I was reading the great article about binding and unbinding events (because I am a js beginner using jQuery) on Karl Swedberg's blog, and I became totally puzzled at this part of the code (simplified for brevity):

    function addItemUnbind() {
      $Add a button but it won't have it's event added;

Why is it that by putting the same function within itself it doesn't keep executing into an infinite loop? However, it is used to re-bind the event to the element...!?

+9  A: 

As far as i can tell your example will. However your example is not the same as the example on the website you reference.

function addItemUnbind() {
  $('#list6 li.special button')
    .bind('click', function() {
      var $newLi = $('<li class="special">special and new <button>I am new</button></li>');

In this example the 'addItemUnbind' is called when the user clicks on the button.

Greg Dean
+3  A: 

Because the call is within an internal function.

E.g. He does some stuff in addItemUnbind() and one of those things is to bind a function to a button click.

This function is then declared e.g. within addItemUnbind() there is:

.bind('click', function() {
  var $newLi = $('<li class="special">special and new <button>I am new</button></li>');

The code within the braces here isn't evaluated when addItemUnbind() is called but rather when the click happens.


The answer is hiding in part of the code you took out. What you've posted is indeed an infinite loop. However, here's a more complete (but still simplified) example, modified from the linked blog post:

function addItemUnbind() {
  bind('click', function() {

The call to addItemUnbind is inside a closure--a new anonymous function that's separate from the addItemUnbind function that created it. Rather than being called right away, a reference to the new function is being passed into the bind function. So if the bind function looked like this:

function bind(eventName, eventHandler) {

then you'd have an infinite loop, because the call to eventHandler would lead back into addItemUnblind. But if it looks like this:

function bind(eventName, eventHandler) {[eventName] = eventHandler; // save the event handler to call when an event happens

then there's no problem. It doesn't call addItemUnbind, it just saves a reference to a function that will call it later on.

Moss Collum

Ah.... as in a lot of things.... "observation Daniel!". Admittedly too there was an anomaly in the way I had thought event handling worked which caused me to skim the article over what I thought I already knew. I see clearly now thanks to your careful explanations.
