I have a tree structure and I want to find all nodes matching a given criteria. Each time I call the find function, it returns next matching node. Children are searched by recursive function call.
For some reason a key comparison of pointers fails for this implementation. Please see the code below, I have pointed out the failing comparison.
HtmlTag* HtmlContent::FindTag(string tagName, string tagParameterContent)
if (tagName.empty() && tagParameterContent.empty())
return NULL;
if (this->startTag == NULL)
return NULL;
this->findContinue = this->FindChildren(this->startTag, &tagName, &tagParameterContent);
return this->findContinue;
HtmlTag* HtmlContent::FindChildren(HtmlTag* firstTag, string* tagName, string* tagParameterContent)
HtmlTag* currentTag = firstTag;
HtmlTag* childrenFound = NULL;
while (currentTag != NULL)
if (!tagName->empty() && *tagName == currentTag->tagName)
if (tagParameterContent->empty() || currentTag->tagParameters.find(*tagParameterContent, 0) != -1)
if (this->findContinue == NULL)
break; // break now when found
else if (this->findContinue == currentTag) // TODO why this fails?
this->findContinue == NULL; // break on next find
if (currentTag->pFirstChild != NULL)
childrenFound = this->FindChildren(currentTag->pFirstChild, tagName, tagParameterContent);
if (childrenFound != NULL)
currentTag = childrenFound;
currentTag = currentTag->pNextSibling;
return currentTag;
VC++ compiler accepts this code but for some reason I can't put a breakpoint on this comparison. I guess this is optimized out, but why? Why this comparison fails?