I agree with Jason Cohen though we can be a bit clearer on the reason for needing to delete your pointers with the loop. For every "new" or dynamic memory allocation there needs to be a "delete" a memory de-allocation. Some times the "delete" can be hidden, as with smartpointers but it is still there.
int main()
int *pI = new int;
int *pArr = new int[10];
so far in the code we have allocated two chunks of dynamic memory. The first is just a general int the second is an array of ints.
delete pI;
delete [] pArr;
these delete statements clear the memory that was allocated by the "new"s
int ppArr = new int *[10];
for( int indx = 0; indx < 10; ++indx )
ppArr[indx] = new int;
This bit of code is doing both of the previous allocations. First we are creating space for our int in a dynamic array. We then need to loop through and allocate an int for each spot in the array.
for( int indx = 0; indx < 10; ++indx )
delete ppArr[indx];
delete [] ppArr;
Note the order that I allocated this memory and then that I de-allocated it in the reverse order. This is because if we were to do the delete [] ppArr; first we would loose the array that tells us what our other pointers are. That chunk or memory would be given back to the system and so can no longer be reliably read.
int a=0;
int b=1;
int c=2;
ppArr = new int *[3];
ppArr[0] = &a;
ppArr[1] = &b;
ppArr[2] = &c;
This I think should be mentioned as well. Just because you are working with pointers does not mean that the memory those pointers point to was dynamically allocated. That is to say just because you have a pointer doesn't mean it necessarily needs to be delete. The array I created here is dynamically allocated but the pointers point to local instances of ints When we delete this we only need to delete the array.
delete [] ppArr;
return 0;
In the end dynamically allocated memory can be tricky and anyway you can wrap it up safely like in a smart pointer or by using stl containers rather then your own can make your life much more pleasant.