



I am a java developer and am pretty comfortable with develeoping webapps in java/jsp/servlets.

I want to develop a video web based chat website.people should be able to chat with each other using my website.People dont need to use any client app installed on their pc in order to chat with others.

My website should be scalable.It should be able to support many hundreds of user simultaneously.I heard that there is a framework cal is beastled twisted matrix in python that best for developing such kind of servers.But learning a new language of me is not feasible as i dont have much time to get the system up and running.I have 2 months to get the application up and running.

After googling i found that twisted matrix ix best for the puropose.

So what should i do?Should i go ahead with java or python?Which java framework to use?If i develop it in java should i develop a web app which will run on top of app server? or shold i develop my own chat server in java?

Any pointers will be helpful.

+1  A: 

I'm a little confused: the requirement is that users don't need any software installed on their PC? How can that be? You need something.

Given two months, I think you only have two options:

  1. Flash
  2. Skype

Like you said, because you have two months to get it up and running, you're best off not learning a new language. As far as Java network frameworks go, people seem to have pretty good experiences with Netty, MINA, or Grizzly, but going that low-level will probably cause you grief.

There's some good stuff on SO too:

The Alchemist

Just Try Cometd, CometD is a scalable HTTP-based event routing bus that uses a Ajax Push technology pattern known as Comet. There is also a chatroom example in the sourcecode. Cometd is based on Jetty Continuation。 Using Long pooling.
