




When I have a class containing static stuff, how can I free the memory at the end of the application the best way?


class GLUtesselator;

class Foo
    static GLUtesselator *tess;
    virtual ~Foo();


#include "Foo.h"

#include <GL/glu.h>

GLUtesselator *Foo::tess = gluNewTess(); // System call

Foo::Foo() {}
     // And of course I don't want to destruct it here,
     // because I'm going to use the tesselator in other instances of Foo
     // Otherwise:
     // gluDeleteTess(tess);

Are there better alternatives to making a method to remove static stuff and call it when the app terminates?
Or can I say: "Oh, whatever, the application is terminated. The OS will free the memory..." ?


+1  A: 

Since it's static, there will only ever be one instance. Unless this GLUtesselator is really huge, I doubt you will ever need to free it yourself.

like you said, "Oh, whatever, the application is terminated. The OS will free the memory..."

+6  A: 

Simple. Don't make the static member a pointer.
Then it will be correctly constructed and destructed.


#include <GL/glu.h>

class Foo
        static GLUtesselator  tess;
        virtual ~Foo();


GLUtesselator  Foo::tess;

If you have to use the gluNewTess() and gluDeleteTess() then you can use a shared pointer. I don't have a compiler so the exact usage may not be absolutely correct. But the shared_ptr does have this ability.


#include <GL/glu.h>

typedef std::shared_ptr<GLUtesselator,void (*)(GLUtesselator*)> AutoGluTess;
class Foo
        static AutoGluTess  tess;
        virtual ~Foo();


AutoGluTess    Foo::tess(gluNewTess(), &gluDeleteTess);
Martin York
I think the code above does exactly what you want. The only possible downside is the extra header dependencies.
@Martin: Indeed! Sorry, I didn't see the static keyword!
Martijn Courteaux
@Martin: using shared_pointer it's possible NOT to include GL/glu.h, also the deleter can be supplied in the .cpp file and does not impact the shared_ptr type (at least... with boost implementation, it would be a regression if the std version suffered from this flow).
Matthieu M.
+3  A: 

You don't need to destroy it. All operating systems I know will correctly free the memory and release any resources held by the object on application termination (Note: the destructor will not be called automatically, but the resources will be freed).

If you really want to destroy it though, either

  1. Don't use a pointer as Martin York describes,
  2. Or (if you need a pointer), use an auto_ptr or tr1::unique_ptr so that the pointee is automatically deleted when it goes out of scope (which is at the end of the application for static variables).
Peter Alexander
I really think this is terrible advice. Not every resource is freed, and it's awful practice to get in to. "Leaks? Who gives a..." Fix the code!
I agree, which is why I described how to destroy it properly. Please don't exaggerate by extrapolating my advice to ignoring memory leaks.
Peter Alexander
"You don't need to destroy it." and "If you *really* want to destroy it though" doesn't sound like "you should fix the code/leaking is bad" to me.
I'm trying -- and failing -- to see what kind of leak you could possibly have with a static variable on program exit. Which operating system doesn't reclaim ALL of the resources used by a process when the process terminates?
@JUST, it will produce false positives on valgrind and friends even if it's reclaimed by the OS eventually.
@bdonlan: Really? Bear in mind that the static variable *lives to the end of the application anyway*, so it never actually leaks, no matter what way you look at it.
Peter Alexander
Not all memory can be reclaimed by all OSs. The global COM heap is an excellent example.
@Peter Alexander: I can see how valgrind would get confused if you have a static pointer to dynamically-created objects. This sounds, however, more like a limitation of valgrind than it sounds like a problem with letting the OS contend with things. @DeadMG: So if you're using the global COM heap you've got a bit more work to do than if you're using plain old C++ objects. In most C++ programs, however, under all but the pathological cases of platform limitations, it's perfectly OK to leave a program without manually releasing static resources.
+2  A: 

for global static variables:

CFoo* pFoo= NULL;

void DoneFoo()
    delete pFoo;

void Init()
    pFoo= new CFoo();


class CFoo

#define NewFoo(F_name)                                                             \
    CFoo* F_name##Init();                                                          \
    void  F_name##Done();                                                          \
    CFoo* F_name= F_name##Init();                                                  \
    CFoo* F_name##Init()  { CFoo* F= new CFoo(); atexit(F_name##Done); return F; } \
    void  F_name##Done()  { delete F_name; }    


for member static variables:

class CFoo
    static int* pKuku;
    static void DoneKuku() { delete pKuku;                     }
    static int* InitKuku() { atexit(DoneKuku); return new int; }

int* CFoo::pKuku= CFoo::InitKuku();

I don't think it is a good idea to let the OS free memory automatically, because you'll have memory leaks. When you have 'legitimate' memory leaks - it will be harder to notice 'illegitimate' ones, so you should strive to having no memory leaks at all.

Lior Kogan
+1: Because of `atexit()`! Something new for me.
Martijn Courteaux
+1: I also think that letting the OS reclaim memory is not the way to go, for once it clutters the output of memory leak detection tools :/
Matthieu M.