I have a Google App Engine application and my request hadnler has a decorator that does authentication. With WebTest I found out yesterday how you can set a logged in user and administrator.
Now today my authentication decorator got a little more complex. It's also checking if a user has a profile in the database and if he doesn't he'll get redirected to the 'new user' page.
def authenticated(method):
def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
user = users.get_current_user()
if not user:
profile = Profile.get_by_key_name(str(user.user_id))
if not profile:
self.redirect( '/newuser' )
return method(self, *args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
Now adding the profile part breaks my unit test that checks if a user is logged in and gets a status code 200(assertOK).
def user_ok(self):
os.environ['USER_EMAIL'] = '[email protected]'
os.environ['USER_IS_ADMIN'] = ''
response = self.get( '/appindex' )
So now I need to be able to somehow inject the profile functionality into the decorator so I can set it in my tests. Does anybody got an idea how to do this I've been trying to think of a way but I keep getting stuck.