
Can a standalone .EXE be created from a coded WebTest in Visual Studio Team Studio

I am running VS Team Studio 2008. I have created a web test that I want to use for monitoring a company web site. It interacts with the site and does some round trip processing. I want to create a standalone EXE file that can be run remotely. I have tried converting it to VB code and C# code and then creating compiling it into an EXE. ...

How can I Fail a WebTest?

I'm using Microsoft WebTest and want to be able to do something similar to NUnit's Assert.Fail(). The best i have come up with is to throw new webTestException() but this shows in the test results as an Error rather than a Failure. Other than reflecting on the WebTest to set a private member variable to indicate the failure, is there s...

Web test to edit a SharePoint pages properties using Visual Studio Test Suite

I am using visual Studio 2008 sp1 to try and create a web test that will allow me to edit a page using the EditForm.aspx. I am trying using fiddler and the recorder. I have managed to get some test to run, but they do not change the properties. Anyone have any tips on how to do this? ...

SharePoint Visual Studio document upload Web Test fails with Connot close stream until all bytes are written

I have created a Visual Studio 2008 sp1 test suite web test that uploads a document to a document library in SharePoint. The test is a lot like the one described here. All is fine until the test is converted to a coded web test. Then the upload post returns the response "Request failed: Connot close stream until all bytes are written"...

Canoo WebFunctionalTest / Selenium, features comparison

For features comparison of Web Canoo Web Functional Test and Selenium software, it would be good have an assessment, in terms of integration to Java platform applications, speed, how quick is it to deploy Tests, execute, and analyze results, JavaScript support etc. I am using Canoo project, it is pretty good. Tatyana ...

Creating a Visual Studio Web test to upload a file with a random file name

I have (after quite a bit of work) a web test that will upload a file to my SharePoint document library using a file that is included in the test and DeploymentItem that identifies that file so it can be used in the file upload post parameter. That works great, now ignoring the SharePoint factor for a moment, image that I want to run th...

groovy webtest chokes on context root in url invoke

I am trying to wrap my head around canoo webtest I setup a simple groovy webtest. I have even made and run the xml equivalent and I get the same error when it tries to encode the url. I get an error when I use a context root. I don't get an error when I just use the url with out the context root. ie."http://somesite.com" Other th...

Working example to start canoo webtest from Groovy?

I would like to start a simple webtest from Groovy with Canoo. The example Canoo Example is not working. I think I am missing something with the Antbuilder class. Especially the "config" part, where a HashMap of properties is passed. I have tried different ways to pass properties but my most basic approach: config_map = ['host':'www.goo...

How can a webtest be made to accept file downloads?

I'm using Visual Studio Team Foundation Server 2008 Team Suite to create a webtest for a site. On some pages the response is a file download (usually a PDF), and I just need to test that the response comes back with the right status code and content type, ignoring the body. When I run the webtest in Visual Studio, or run the compiled t...

VS Team Tester failed to run dynamic web test

I have a Testing project that contains a csv file which a webtest uses to run against one of our projects. For some reason, even though it is referenced correctly I receive the following error: Could not run Web test 'SubmitBadData' on agent 'BLDSERVER': Could not access table 'BadData#csv' in data source 'BadData' of test '942b62a8-c1...

how to impersonate a windows domain user for automated web testing?

we are about to build several UI test with selenium-rc and the java client the app itself is a classic asp web application that uses integrated security to retrieve the user's permissions from a database, and then, according to those permissions, displays a menu with the appropiate options. we'd like to automate that test, something li...

Using the VS Web Test Classes outside Visual Studio

I use HttpWebRequests pretty extensively - I've found that the Visual Studio Web Test classes (i.e. WebTestRequest and WebTestResponse etc) offer a lot of really nice methods that i'd love to start using. But I can't seem to find a way to use these classes outside of the Visual Studio's testing framework. Has anyone done this? ...

Generate .webtest files without using Visual Studio

We have business users that we'd like to get involved writing webtests for our project, but purchasing full Visual Studio licenses just for this purpose seems like overkill. Are there any open source or third-party tools that can be used to produce webtests that can be read by Visual Studio? I would prefer a tool that integrates into ...

Stopping a webtest if an extraction rule failed

I need to stop a web test from running if an extraction rule fails. The Extract method of the extraction rule class looks like this: public override void Extract(object sender, ExtractionEventArgs e) { try { // fancy logic going on here } catch (ExtractionException ex) { e.Message = ex.Message; ...

References on how to create webtests for ASP.NET

I've been working for a while with .net unit testing and stuff. Now I need to create tests for ascx and ascx.cs pages (but it aspx and aspx.cs references might also help). I'm not very familiar with webtests. Can anyone give hints or references that might help (tutorials, blog posts about best practices, etc.)? It can be references abou...

Programatically shutdown application before webtest

Hi, does anybody know how can i shutdown web application before each webtest? Thanks ...

Automated Web Testing Tools in Java

I want to test a Ajax based web application. I want to write the test scripts in Java and simulate the web browser. Simulation of a web browser is very important since Iam using very advanced Ajax library like jQuery in the web Application. Any ideas on how I should proceed? ...

How to execute web test on a remote machine in c# or TFS API?

Hi Can anyone help me with a sample code of how to run remote web tests in a c# application?. I had done this previously in my msbuild script, using a batch file to run the tests that used psexec.exe. But now I have been asked not to use Psexec, instead use TFS API/SDK to do so. I am a newbie and help is very much appreciated. Thanks...

WebTesting using VSTS 2008

I've been trying to create and execute webtests for one of my websites using VSTS 2008 SP1. The problem is that during playback VSTS does not play back the javascript. How can i solve this and where can I find comprehensive information on configuring VSTS to do web tests exactly as i want. ...

.NET WebTest Custom ValidationRules - How to unit test?

I'm creating custom ValidationRules for a .NET webtest. Is there some easy way to create unit tests for these validation rules? ...