
Alternatives to using delays when automatically testing an AJAX web UI

I will soon be working on AJAX driven web pages that have a lot of content generated from a Web Service (WCF). I've tested this sort of thing in the past (and found it easy) but not with this level of dynamic content. I'm developing in .NET 3.5 using Visual Studio 2008. I envisage this testing in: TestDriven.NET MBUnit (this is not ...

How do I automate a web proxy in .NET for unit tests (including set up and tear down)?

Following Jonathan Holland's suggestion in his comment for my previous question: Is there any way in .NET to programmatically listen to HTTP traffic? I've made a separate (but not exactly a duplicate) question for what I really want to know: How do I automate a web proxy in .NET for unit tests (including set up and tear down) for spying...

How do I configure IE7 to download filetype instead of opening in browser

I have written a watir script that downloads files. One of the files it downloads has a .dcf extension. Months ago, on my machine, I changed a setting somewhere so that .dcf files prompt for download ("Do you want to open or save this file?") instead of opening in the browser. This is the behavior that I desire. I am using XP Pro/IE7. ...

how to test logging in with openid using selenium

Is there a way to test logging in to a site with open id using selenium? In selenium all the tests live in the server, so once fill the open id url in the appropriate field in the web page and am taken to the 3rd party web page for entering the credentials my test can't run any more. Is there a way around this? ...

How to remotely control Firefox from a script on OSX

I need to write some scripts that access some websites. A script from command line would get some pages, post some forms, screen scrap some information etc. It cannot really be a library "browser" like libwww-perl because some steps might require user interactions (captchas, ajax-only forms, any interaction surprises etc). The most pr...

Converting VB.NET code to VBScript

I have this snippet of VB.NET code that I want to convert to VBScript. It basically starts Microsoft Word, displays the Open dialog and mail merges the selected document. Any help will be highly appreciated. Dim oMissing As Object = System.Reflection.Missing.Value Dim oEndOfDoc As Object = "\\endofdoc" Dim oFalse As Object = False 'St...

How to automate browsing using python?

Hi, suppose, I need to perform a set of procedure on a particular website say, fill some forms, click submit button, send the data back to server, receive the response, again do something based on the response and send the data back to the server of the website. I know there is a webbrowser module in python, but I want to do this without...

Automated Web Testing Tools in Java

I want to test a Ajax based web application. I want to write the test scripts in Java and simulate the web browser. Simulation of a web browser is very important since Iam using very advanced Ajax library like jQuery in the web Application. Any ideas on how I should proceed? ...

Can Internet Explorer use a Socks proxy programmitically?

I want C# code to use Socks 5 proxies in Internet Explorer. I have code for http proxies but that code is not working for Socks proxies. Anyone has such code? Please provide some pointers... Iam basically doing IE automation in C#, and I need code to use socks proxies using IE. ...

What is the best browser automation tool for Python?

Hello, I want to write a following script: given a text file with the list of actions to be executed on a certain site it would use some browser's (IE probably, because I don't know anything about other drive-able ones) CSS rendering and JS executing capabilities to imitate a user doing those actions on a site. So I've found this page ...

Automate Web Browser control in Multiple Threads

I want to know if its possible to automate the System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser and make it running in multiple threads. I mean I want to login to say , using 5 different accounts, Is it possible to do that simultaneously with 5 web browsers in 5 threads maintaining seperate sessions with the server of, Wont the se...

Execution time benchmarks for web automation

Are there any automation execution time related industry standards/benchmarks are available for performing different actions on web page. Like through automation; how much time can be considered as acceptable time for setting value to text box (like 1 sec for 20characters) or what range of time will be considered as acceptable for click...

how to click on a button through java?

I want to access forms on HTMl pages throught Java Programming Language without involving real browser in between. At present I am doing it through HTML UNIT but it takes a bit more time to load a page. When it comes to accessing millions of page, then this extra bit time matters most. Is there any other methods for doing this? ...

how to peform "Save As" on IE (Internet Explorer) automatically?

I want to open a webpage (whose URL is given as the commandline argument) and then want to save the content of that webpage as a .txt file. Remember, I need the .txt file and not the source of the webpage. I tried my hand with selenium and it works fine. But now I want something that doesn't open the real browser as opening the browser...

can I override/redefine "global" Javascript functions, like confirm() and alert()?

I want to do some browser automation, and those pesky confirm/alert boxes are a real pain. Disabling javascript completely in this case is not an option, unfortunately. Well, so I was wondering, can I just change the definition of those methods as seen by my browser's javascript interpreter to basically do nothing and return true? Note ...

Can webrat browser-automation tests be parallelised?

Is there a facility similar to SeleniumGrid that I can use to run webrat (or other, similar framework) browser automation tests in parallel across a farm of coordinated agents? Coordinated via TeamCity with rake? Edit: We're looking at using cucumber+webrat to do functional and acceptance testing as described in Testing ASP.NET Web App...

Can I use XPCOM to create and manipulate a Firefox window as I would use win32 COM with IE?

With win32 COM I create an Internet Explorer instance and control it almost fully from my python code (manipulate windows, DOM elements, etc). More specifically, using DispatchEx('InternetExplorer.Application'). Can I do the same using XPCOM and C++/python? I need to automate certain actions taken on the html ui of some websites, so no ...

Script/plugin to update web page (load next 25 comments) until page fully loaded

Brief summary: I need a script/plugin for Firefox that selects the "load next 25 comments" link at the bottom of a web page, until that link is no longer on the page. As you click that link - you get more comments - eventually all of them on the same page. See this web page for an example (there are 1,852 comments):

can app containing WebBrowser control download files automatically by spoofing browser behavior?

suppose I want to automatically download a file from url that is located inside an authentication-required website into which I login using automated WebBrowser control based on Internet Explorer. But, once I am there and grab the link to the file, if I try to download it directly via IE6 by navigating to it, there will be the "do you wa...

can SWF apps running in the browser be automatically controlled/spidered, like in browser automation?

suppose the owner of a website that shows info "for humans only" is tired of the bots and the spiders grabbing the data and decides to show this info in a SWF app running in the browser. So now he reimplements the structure of the website as a flash app and the bad guys can no longer navigate it using their url-following, html-parsing sc...