With win32 COM I create an Internet Explorer instance and control it almost fully from my python code (manipulate windows, DOM elements, etc). More specifically, using DispatchEx('InternetExplorer.Application'). Can I do the same using XPCOM and C++/python?
I need to automate certain actions taken on the html ui of some websites, so no I can't use urllib and I can't use selenium, because it doesn't work with cross-domain urls. I've wrote a wrapper class for Internet Explore where I can create a browser window and do anything with it, but I would like to do the same with firefox as well. I've thought about creating a XUL application that exposes the DOM functionality through a tcp server written in XUL/js. I'm not even sure that's possible, but if I can do everything from my python code without running xulrunner externally, much better.