I recommend using Tkinter since it's already part of python. I've never used PIL but a quick google shows it's easy to use PIL images in Tk widgets (via the pil.ImageTk.PhotoImage() method).
If you already have a Tkinter widget set up to display images (a Label widget works fine) all you need to do is arrange for the image to be updated every second or so. You can do this by using the after
command of tkinter.
Here's an example; I don't have PIL so it uses a static image but it illustrates how to use the event loop to fetch images every second:
import Tkinter
class App(Tkinter.Tk):
def __init__(self):
self.label = Tkinter.Label(text="your image here", compound="top")
self.label.pack(side="top", padx=8, pady=8)
def UpdateImage(self, delay, event=None):
# this is merely so the display changes even though the image doesn't
self.iteration += 1
self.image = self.get_image()
self.label.configure(image=self.image, text="Iteration %s" % self.iteration)
# reschedule to run again in 1 second
self.after(delay, self.UpdateImage, 1000)
def get_image(self):
# this is where you get your image and convert it to
# a Tk PhotoImage. For demonstration purposes I'll
# just return a static image
data = '''
image = Tkinter.PhotoImage(data=data)
return image
if __name__ == "__main__":