



I'm currently learning how to write CL style macros (define-macro) in Scheme. As a simple example, I wrote a struct macro that defines functions like make-thing, thing?, thing-field accessors and so on.

Now I'd like to combine multiple defines in a single macro, but only the last one is actually used. Currently I'm using eval to define the functions globally (?), but there must be some better way... any ideas?

(Background: 15+ years developer in C, C++, C#, Perl, Python, you-name-it; first look into Haskell, Erlang and Scheme in 2009)

The code so far:

;(use-modules (ice-9 pretty-print))

(define-macro (struct name key table fields)
    (lambda (field)
        `(define ,(string->symbol (string-append (symbol->string name) "-" (symbol->string field)))
          (lambda (x)
            (if (,(string->symbol (string-append (symbol->string name) "?")) x)
              (cadr (assq (quote ,field) (cdr x)))
    `(define ,(string->symbol (string-append (symbol->string name) "?"))
       (lambda (x)
           (list? x)
           (eq? (car x) (quote ,name))
           ,@(map (lambda (field) `(assq (quote ,field) (cdr x))) fields)
    `(define ,(string->symbol (string-append "make-" (symbol->string name)))
       (lambda ,fields
         (list (quote ,name)
               ,@(map (lambda (field) `(list (quote ,field) ,field)) fields))))
    `(define ,(string->symbol (string-append "save-" (symbol->string name)))
       (lambda (x)
         (if (,(string->symbol (string-append (symbol->string name) "?")) x)
           (call-with-output-file ; TODO: In PLT mit zusaetzlichem Parameter #:exists 'replace
             (string-append "data/" ,(symbol->string table) "/"
                            (,(string->symbol (string-append (symbol->string name) "-" (symbol->string key))) x))
             (lambda (out) (write x out)))
  `(define ,(string->symbol (string-append "get-" (symbol->string name)))
     (lambda (id)
       (let ((ret (call-with-input-file (string-append "data/" ,(symbol->string table) "/" id) read)))
         (if (,(string->symbol (string-append (symbol->string name) "?")) ret)
; TODO: (define (list-customers . search-words) ...)

(struct customer id customers (id name name_invoice address_invoice zip_invoice city_invoice state_invoice))
;(pretty-print (macroexpand '(struct customer id customers (id name name_invoice address_invoice zip_invoice city_invoice state_invoice))))

(define c (make-customer "C-1001" "Doe, John" "John Doe" "Some-Street" "Some-Zip" "Some-City" "Germany"))
(write c)
(write (customer-id c))
(write (customer-name c))
(save-customer c)
(write (get-customer "C-1001"))
+1  A: 

You don't need eval here; use begin instead to group those definitions together into a list; i.e., the template to be expanded should be of the form:

   ,@(map ...)
   (define ...)
   (define ...)


Change for-each to map as suggested by OP.

That did the job, thanks! :) I'd rather avoid eval whenever possible... Note for other readers: Use ,@(map...) instead of ,@(for-each...)