




I am currently reading from an ini file with a key/value pair. i.e.

isValid = true

When get the key/value pair I need to convert a string of 'true' to a bool. Without using boost what would be the best way to do this?

I know I can so a string compare on the value ("true", "false") but I would like to do the conversion without having the string in the ini file be case sensitive.



If you can't use boost, try strcasecmp:

#include <cstring>

std::string value = "TrUe";

bool isTrue = (strcasecmp("true",value.c_str()) == 0);
Andre Holzner
`strcasecmp` doesn't exist under Windows.
Oh, come on! It sounds like a Boost is the only way to go to compare strings :-) There are much more easiest and efficient ways then doing lexical cast, really. Especially when you know exactly what you are doing and not creating an all-purpose-all-in-one conversion library.
Vlad Lazarenko
@zneak - Windows has "stricmp" though (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/k59z8dwe%28v=VS.80%29.aspx)
Vlad Lazarenko
strcmpi is POSIX standard, with the silly deprecation but still working behavior in Visual Studio.
`stricmp` is more widely used for case insensitive compare of C-style strings.
Eugen Constantin Dinca

Lowercase the string by iterating the string and calling tolower on the carachters, then compare it to "true" or "false", if casing is your only concern.

for (std::string::iterator iter = myString.begin(); iter != myString.end(); iter++)
    *iter = tolower(*iter);
tolower() works on a single character, c_str() returns a pointer to a string that must not be modified.So this idea would actually be harmful.
Uli Schlachter
@Uli Schlanchter Where the hell did I get the idea it worked on strings? Thanks for the catch.
+1  A: 
#include <string>
#include <strings.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>

string2bool (const std::string & v)
    return !v.empty () &&
        (strcasecmp (v.c_str (), "true") == 0 ||
         atoi (v.c_str ()) != 0);

main ()
    std::string s;
    std::cout << "Please enter string: " << std::flush;
    std::cin >> s;
    std::cout << "This is " << (string2bool (s) ? "true" : "false") << std::endl;

An example input and output:

$ ./test 
Please enter string: 0
This is false
$ ./test 
Please enter string: 1
This is true
$ ./test 
Please enter string: 3
This is true
$ ./test 
Please enter string: TRuE
This is true
Vlad Lazarenko
`strcasecmp` is non-portable. Some platforms use `stricmp`, strangely.

Suggestions for case-insenstive string comparisions on C++ strings can be found here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11635/case-insensitive-string-comparison-in-c

Uli Schlachter

use bool::parse()

This is plain C++, not C++/CLI.
Georg Fritzsche
+5  A: 

Another solution would be to use tolower() to get a lower-case version of the string and then compare or use string-streams:

#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cctype>

bool to_bool(std::string str) {
    std::transform(str.begin(), str.end(), str.begin(), ::tolower);
    std::istringstream is(str);
    bool b;
    is >> std::boolalpha >> b;
    return b;

// ...
bool b = to_bool("tRuE");
Georg Fritzsche
+1 nice answer + another 1 cos I did not know about boolalpha. Note that boost::lexical_cast (which does the same) is not very forgiving about case either
this is really cool... I was not previously aware of `std::boolalpha`
I tried to use this but its saying that transform isnt part of std. I included <iostream> What did I miss?
@Wesley: `#include <algorithm>`.
Georg Fritzsche
great, I got it working, thanks