




elsewhere eg.[1] it is explained that when you install the java source in ubuntu, it is put here: /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-

The problem is that it does not contain the java.activation package and thus not classes like: javax.activation.DataSource Why isn't it there? Must I download the source manually to get that?

[1] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2896727/java-jdk-source-code-where-to-find-it

+2  A: 

The package is javax.activation, not java.activation - and typically, source code for javax... packages isn't included.

Noel M
+1: Not all Java "base" classes are `java.`, some are `javax.`
R. Bemrose
Sorry for the typo in the subject, I fixed it now.I'd like to see the source of all the classes that comes with the jvm in eclipse, so its a bit annoying that only some of them is in the java-source package.Is the only way to do this to manually download the sources?